Koiken Otome - Full Patch


Here you can find the details on our first and last Visual Novel project, Koiken Otome.
Our previous loli-loving leader, Defendos, asked me to help him with a Visual Novel project he wanted to start. Little did I know that this project would be plagued with so much real life misfortune.
Thanks to the hard work of our members, past and present, we reached our goal and released our full patch to the world.
Please give a big thanks to nfinite for spending his time to work on not just translation but also our extraction and patching tools. We couldn't have done it without him!

Patch Notes

This release contains 40710 lines of English, translated from Japanese by our translators, edited by our editors, then quality checked by our quality checkers for your enjoyment. Let's not forget about our images which were edited by JeMhUnTeR and OakreLogic back before we released our prologue patch. There are a few things you need to note before downloading and/or playing:
    You MUST set your system to Japanese locale on all operating system versions ( Windows 7+) or the text will fail to display properly. Using Locale Emulator or AppLocale will NOT work.
    We recommend running the VN in Windowed mode at the default resolution.
    We also recommend using the default "Text" and "Font" settings in-game.
    We have had to split some lines that are voiced. This means that the voice may finish during the first part and the second part will be unvoiced.
    There are a few dialog messages that we are unable to Translate due to them being hardcoded in the Application.
    We have included a translated settings window in the form of an image. This can be found as Settings_EN.png.
    Even though we've tried our best to remove as many errors as possible it should be noted that we're only human.


This patch requires you to already have the game installed. You will need to download our self-extracting patch archive, open it, and extract the contents to your Koiken Otome directory (where 恋剣乙女.exe is located).


The full walkthrough can be found here. Thanks to Corntastic and nfinite for their work on this!


    Translators: nfinite, accorda and anokutara
    Editors: Corntastic, MoriSummers and ACF
    Quality Checkers: Machaoshu, Graia, NintendoToad, ArcticFox, TheSporkWithin, Isakasan, Neko_Len, Kenny and Congt
    Image Editors: JeMhUnTeR and  OakreLogic
    Patching: nfinite, binaryfail